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Hogwarts Castle: Dueling Club

Discover how to use magic to defeat enemies with Harry Potter™ at the Hogwarts™ Dueling Club! Learn spellbinding skills from Professors Severus Snape™ and Gilderoy Lockhart™. Take on Draco Malfoy™ on the battle platform. Use your wand to cast magical spells and topple your rival! This enchanting playset also includes 1 of 14 collectible Hogwarts portraits to display above the fireplace.

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Hogwarts™ Castle: Charms Class

Join Hermione Granger™ and Ron Weasley™ in a spellbinding charms class at Hogwarts™ Castle! Watch Professor Flitwick demonstrate the Wingardium Leviosa charm. Follow the instructions on the chalkboard and then try to perfect the spell yourself. Can you make that feather float?

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Hogwarts™ Castle: Flying Lessons

Join Harry Potter™, Draco Malfoy™ and Neville Longbottom™ for Quidditch™ and Transfiguration lessons! Practice flying on brooms… but try not to lose control like Neville! Or watch the flying lessons from Professor McGonagall’s office. Then learn how to transform animals into water goblets at Transfiguration class. And look out for 2 of 14 collectible Hogwarts™ portraits in the trophy room!

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